Monday, September 17, 2018

When Abortion Suddenly Stopped Making Sense

"For that was another disturbing thought: Abortion means killing not strangers but our own children, our own flesh and blood. No matter who the father, every child aborted is that woman’s own son or daughter, just as much as any child she will ever bear.

We had somehow bought the idea that abortion was necessary if women were going to rise in their professions and compete in the marketplace with men. But how had we come to agree that we will sacrifice our children, as the price of getting ahead? When does a man ever have to choose between his career and the life of his child?"

- Frederica Mathews-Green

You can read the whole National Review article here.

Unplanned Irony

Unplanned will begin its run at the Liberty Theater in Wenatchee on March 29. Hope to see you there. Irony: noun . Incongruity between ...