Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Answering the Rape Case Objection

Pro-lifers contending for life outside of abortion clinics are very often confronted with the, "Oh yeah, well what about cases of rape?" question. The answer to this question, and the one that it implies, is uncomplicated and direct. We don't believe in aborting babies that are the result of rape for the simple reason that we can distinguish between an offender and a victim.

The man who has committed the rape is an offender and ought to be punished as such. The woman who was raped is a victim and should be regarded and tenderly cared for as such. But the baby that resulted from the rape, like the woman, is a victim as well, and ought to receive the same status and care as the mother. To abort the baby is to treat it like an offender. To abort the baby is to agree with the rapist that using violence against the weak is an acceptable means to obtain what you desire.

Here is the story of a young woman who chose to have the baby that resulted from a date-rape. I pray that the church will rise up in support of the women who make this difficult, but ultimately beautiful choice.


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