Saturday, January 5, 2019

Choose Life! Rally, January 19th

Over time, we tend to elect the leaders that we deserve. And those leaders tend to govern according to our collective will. So Congress' failure to defund Planned Parenthood, etc. while certainly disappointing, ought not to surprise us. For unlike our energetic and vocal adversaries in the fight for Life, we have been tragically apathetic and largely silent.

And that is why public rallies (see above) are useful. Our primary weapons remain (and will always remain) the faithful preaching of God's Word, prayer and what the hymn-writer aptly called, "deeds of love and mercy." But if we are to faithfully perform our duties as citizens of our state and nation, then we must occasionally make and take opportunity to communicate to the watching world our regard for life and our insistence that our civic leaders protect all those in their charge, especially the weak and defenseless.

So, please join us on the Chelan County Courthouse steps on Saturday, January 19th, from noon-1pm, to register your eagerness to lean hard against the rising culture of death and barrenness, and to lift high the name of Jesus who is, as he said, "the Way, the Truth and the LIFE."


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